A complete guide to eye care
It is known that the region of the face around the eyes requires special care in both women and men. In this sensitive area, lines, dark circles and dark circles, puffiness of the eyelids appear over time, and the skin loses moisture and elasticity, and acquires a lifeless and tired appearance. And why is that so? We blink, we smile, we frown, we squint, we gesticulate - our everyday facial expressions cause the appearance of wrinkles, we expose ourselves to the sun's radiation, and along with that, the natural aging process happens to us. The extremely thin skin around the eyes requires hydration and cell regeneration, as well as protection from harmful external factors.
Eye Care is something that should be given special attention. Therefore, we have put together a small guide for the care of this sensitive area, with the help of which, if you follow it, you can return your skin to a rested, rejuvenated appearance without puffiness and dark color, and lines and wrinkles will be less visible and almost imperceptible.
Why is the skin around the eyes particularly sensitive?
The skin around the eyes is where the first signs of aging are seen. Expression of emotions, eye movements and blinking along with genetic predispositions, UV radiation, lifestyle and stress contribute to this thin and delicate region of facial skin being furrowed with wrinkles, marked by dark circles and "bags" under the eyes so that we look older and more tired than we really are. we are and the whole face gets a different, less attractive look.
As you probably already know, you need to provide your skin with a constant supply of water, so the area around the eyes is no exception. The skin around the eyes contains very little subcutaneous tissue, which makes it almost transparent. Therefore, whatever product you use, be it a mask, gel, cream or serum, watch your application gently and lightly in circular motions. The same applies to removing makeup. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness, redness and irritation, properly removing makeup from the eyelids and eyelashes is an extremely important step in daily skin care.
Pay attention: Avoid rough rubbing - it is enough to gently move with a damp tissue for removing makeup or a cotton swab soaked in an agent (without alcohol) from the inner to the outer corner of the eye.
Dark circles
Dark circles around the eyes require special treatment. Why do they arise? Dark circles are actually the result of the blood vessels darkening as a result of your the body does not get enough moisture and oxygen. Darker skin under the eyes can be hereditary, and it can also be associated with certain conditions health conditions such as abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland, liver or kidneys. Hyperpigmentation under the eyes can also be a result of fatigue, sinus problems, allergies, dehydration and excessive salt intake.
Chilled tea bags and cucumber rings placed topically on and under the eyelids, as well intake of more water and foods rich in iron and potassium can improve the appearance of the skin. For a significantly better condition in the long run, look for emulsions that have plant extracts in their composition and apply them morning and evening.
Pay attention to ingredients such as: almond oil, black tea, cornflower, chamomile, immortelle, zova, einkorn, echinacea.
Bags under the eyes
Unfortunately, the occurrence of the so-called bags under the eyes. They are caused by crying, fatigue, alcohol, cigarettes, hormonal changes, lowering of facial muscles, loss of collagen, genetic predispositions and fluid accumulation in that region. Don't let these "hanging" dark circles make you look tired and old. Gel cream that you previously kept in the refrigerator or potato rings can serve as "first aid", and after washing, a concealer a shade lighter than your skin can quickly defeat these fresh-looking enemies. But how to get rid of them permanently?
For a more severe and persistent form of bags under the eyes, a popular solution is massage (which serves to expel toxins and reduce puffiness), and more and more people opt for lymphatic drainage, dermapen, mesotherapy, filler injection, laser and other dermatological treatments for which it is necessary to allocate a larger sum of money.
If you still want a more favorable one, painless and natural care, pay attention to natural creams against bags under the eyes and ingredients such as: natural oils (almond, jojoba, macadamia, evening primrose), vitamin E, shea butter, algae and marshmallow flower extract.
Tired looking eyes and signs of aging
You should also know that the area around the eyes does not have sebaceous glands which would produce fats, so this area is further dried. The skin around the eyes needs to be nourished in the morning and in the evening, proper facial hygiene is extremely important, and it is necessary to remove make-up well before going to bed. Proper nutrition, exercise, quality sleep, intake of the optimal amount of water and a generally neater and healthier lifestyle have a great effect on the tighter and smoother appearance of the skin around the eyes. In addition to all that, there are certain routines that if persistently implemented can lead to excellent results - hydrated, rejuvenated, smooth and radiant skin around the eyes.
The preparations you use for the rest of the face are not recommended for this sensitive region, nor are they nutritious enough for this "demanding" zone. That is why it is necessary to carefully choose a cream approved by dermatologists and ophthalmologists, intended for this region of the skin, which contains ingredients that will be effective, nutritious and at the same time non-aggressive for skin that is thin and sensitive. Which ingredients are effective for rejuvenating and smoothing?
Collagen is the most widespread protein in the human body, it is the basic part of the connective tissue, but over time, its deficit appears, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. The good news is that this protein is renewed, that is, it is produced again. Creams that stimulate the production of collagen bring firmness, suppleness to the skin and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.
Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in your skin, and precisely the lack of this substance can lead to the appearance of pronounced dark circles. Hyaluronic acid binds water molecules and participates in the transfer of nutrients through the skin, and this is exactly what you need for tightness, radiance and "erasing" of dark circles.
Serums that contain retinol are great anti-aging product treatment against persistent signs of aging. The sensitive area around the eyes will benefit from retinol in multiple ways - it gives a better tone, reduces puffiness of the skin, nourishes the delicate area of the skin around the eyes, and reduces fine hyperpigmentation. How does retinol work? It is derived from vitamin A and has been proven to stimulate collagen production. It is recommended for use in the facial skin care routine already in the early thirties.
Vitamin C it should be in your daily eye care routine for its power to reverse the signs of aging and even out the complexion and firmness. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant known for its photoprotective effect, protecting skin cells from harmful solar radiation and oxidative stress. We cannot but mention B complex vitamins which have a powerful effect on lightening blemishes and pigmentation, giving the skin a smooth and soft texture.
Exercises for the region around the eyes
Along with care in the form of preparations, we also recommend exercises for the area around the eyes. The first exercise consists of placing two fingers on the temples, and then opening and closing the eyes. This exercise should be repeated five times. The second exercise is performed sitting on a chair with closed eyes. Squinting, it is necessary to point the eyes as far up and down as possible without opening the eyes. This exercise should be repeated ten times. Another useful exercise is to widen the eyes so that the whites of the eyes can be seen - you need to stay in this pose for about 60 seconds, and in this way the muscles around the eyes work.
When it comes to sun exposure, be sure to use UVA and UVB creams with a high protection factor and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and the skin around the eyes. Quality cosmetic preparations based on natural ingredients, regular beauty care without skipping the daily and evening routine, intake of healthy food and sufficient amount of fluids, going to bed on time, these are all preventive measures and care that should be taken care of, and your skin will return the effort invested with a brighter and more elastic appearance.