6 vitamins in the fight against dry skin
The skin is the largest organ and the first line of defense of the organism, but with the arrival of cold weather it loses its shine, tenderness and softness. It's bothering you dry goat face and body? Skin looking tired and rough to the touch? It needs much more humidity and oxygen.
Some of the steps towards skin regeneration and achieving a more beautiful and fresh appearance are the fight against free radicals, stimulation of collagen production and balanced sebum production. Let's see which vitamins and minerals our skin needs to be nourished, soft and smooth. How to create a protective barrier that protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment and prevents moisture loss? These six vitamins will be your allies in the fight against dry skin.
Vitamin A is responsible for beautiful and well-groomed skin
Dry skin flakes, reddens, tightens, and wrinkles and fine lines are more likely to appear on it. Whether it's facial skin, dry skin of the hands or the whole body, the vitamins you take through your diet and additionally through cosmetic products can help bring about the transformation.
Retinoids are a class of chemical compounds that are derivatives of vitamin A or are chemically related to vitamin A. Retinoids have found application in medicine where they regulate the growth of epithelial cells and have proven themselves well in the treatment of wrinkles, acne and blemishes on the skin, as well as for overall skin hydration.
The lack of vitamin A in the body can be noticed - it is characterized by dry and lifeless skin accompanied by itching. Make up for this deficiency and nourish your skin. Vitamin A prevents the appearance of wrinkles and acts as an antioxidant, so it is recommended both in food and in creams. Your skin will thank you!
This vitamin is found in carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach, and it is also found in beef, eggs and dairy products.
Vitamin C increases the production of collagen
The vitamin that, as you know, cures colds and affects our immunity, is also responsible for the following: it protects our skin from UV rays and helps collagen synthesis. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals. Free radicals cause oxidative stress in the skin, leading to premature aging. Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen in skin cells, which helps maintain tissue and delay the signs of aging.
The connection between vitamin C and collagen
Collagen is being talked about more and more when it comes to the field of dermatology, care and beauty. The collagen reserve in the skin decreases as we age, and it is vitamin C that stimulates its production. Collagen is a protein that is naturally found in our skin and gives it firmness. The concentration of collagen contributes to the firm and uniform appearance of the skin. As we age, it declines, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles and the loss of firmness and tone. Collagen is a binding and building element responsible for the condition of our skin, ligaments, cartilage, bones...
Your body is unable to produce vitamin C on its own, so it relies on your intake through your diet. Since we are unable to store vitamin C, this nutrient needs to be consumed daily. Due to its properties of providing energy and radiant appearance to the skin, vitamin C is also found in numerous care preparations. The type of vitamin C, better known as L-ascorbic acid, is particularly effective because it is extremely active.
In which food products can we find it? It is found in citrus fruits, greens, blueberries, peppers, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes and many other foods.
Vitamin E – a shield for our skin
Vitamin E is known to act as a shield. It protects our skin from all the bad things caused by solar radiation. Vitamin E is transported to the skin through sebum and stimulating the natural production of this vitamin is the best thing you can do for your skin if you have a dry skin type.
Nuts (walnuts, peanuts), vegetable oils, whole grains, wheat and corn germ, sunflower seeds, cottonseed, oatmeal, eggs, mayonnaise, liver, fish, chicken, soybean oil, dark green vegetables, clover, green peas , sweet potatoes, are some of the foods that are rich in vitamin E.
With vitamins B complex to a flawless complexion
The B vitamin complex consists of vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, biotin, folic acid (B11) and vitamin B12. It should be emphasized that if one member is missing, all other members of the B complex should be compensated. The lack of vitamin B complex in the body is characterized by loss of appetite, dry and rough skin, weak hair, fatigue, acne, insomnia... Vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium and phosphorus help in better absorption.
Where to find B complex vitamins? In salmon, chicken and turkey, liver, leafy vegetables, eggs, milk, beef.
Vitamin K rehabilitates the skin
Vitamin K is the one that helps heal wounds and scars, since it is also responsible for blood clotting. It is found in green plants in chloroplasts, ie. it is bound to chlorophyll.
Vitamin K can be found in foods such as: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, nettles, spinach, sweet and horse chestnut leaves, fir needles, leafy green vegetables, tomatoes, soybeans, carrots, peas, potatoes, pork liver, vegetable oils, fish oil, seaweed, cow's milk, cheese, yogurt, egg yolks.
Sun vitamin - vitamin D
You've probably already heard that vitamin D is taken in less through diet or supplements, and more through exposure to the sun. More precisely, the human body synthesizes provitamin D3 and photochemically converts it into vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) by exposing the skin to UV rays. It is given for the prevention of rickets, as well as for the treatment of osteoporosis, and is responsible for the proper formation and maintenance of bones, teeth and skin.
In food, it is found in butter, milk, sea fish, fish oil (from liver), cocoa shell, liver and egg yolk.
Dry skin as a chronic condition
Normal and healthy skin is naturally protected by a hydro-lipid layer on the surface. This film consists of water and lipids (fats) and protects the skin from aggressive external influences by preventing water loss. However, it happens that the balance in the surface layer of the skin is disturbed, so that it can no longer perform its barrier function. The feeling on the skin becomes unpleasant in various ways - itching, tightening, burning occurs.
Dry skin is actually a chronic condition, a type of skin (such as oily skin, combination skin, etc.) Unlike dehydrated skin (current condition), dry skin can be caused by genetic predisposition, but also by certain skin diseases, medical treatments, external climatic factors, etc.
Dry skin requires constant care, it is necessary to find preparations with natural ingredients that will not act aggressively on it, it is necessary not only to hydrate but also to retain water in it. In addition, it is necessary to drink large amounts of water and avoid being in overheated and poorly ventilated rooms with dry air.
In addition to vitamins, we must not forget minerals, primarily zinc, because they are equally important for the beauty and health of our skin. Zinc affects the health of skin cells by reducing the harmful effects of free radicals. In addition, it protects fibroblasts, connective tissue cells in charge of creating collagen, which make up the skin's protective layer. Zinc is found in chicken and beef, beans, baby spinach and cereals. We hope that we have helped you to become aware of your problem and to generally pay more attention to vitamins that have a beneficial effect on your skin, and that you will include them to a greater extent in your daily intake, both through nutrition and in care preparations.
I have had a problem with dry skin for years. I used a large number of creams that were just for that purpose, but the results were more than disappointing. The effect was short-lived, which really annoyed me. I even went to the doctors to make sure there was no other reason for it. In the end, I found an old recipe with lard that definitely solved the problem I had for years. Since I read a lot of portals like yours, preparations with hydrogenated water are appearing more and more recently. Just as there are jugs for hydrogenating water, so are hydrogenated water preparations. Here's an idea to write some text about it, whether it's really healthy, whether it has an effect and the like. Thank you in advance from your loyal reader from Kikinda